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We hope the Wildlife Park is a sanctuary and mueseum in the future. Our objective is to save animals heading towards extinction. The mueseum that we hope to have in the park will be a collection of fossils,rocks, minerals, skeletons of animals/dinosoars, and  Artifacts. Our team members are....
Cory L: Wildlife Biologist, co.creator, insect keeper
Sean V: Animal feeding and care manager.
Davi P: Wildlife Manager,co.creator, and reptile keeper.
Gillian L: Marine Biologist/ Marine Keeper.
Reece P: Conservation Specialist.  
Ethan L: Insect Keeper. 

Maia L.T: Wildlife Vet.

Joel L.K: Animal abuse control, animal care.


Nick D: Insect Biologist.

If you would like to become a member, have questions, or would like to help us earn enough money to get animals for the reserve, contact us or give us a donation on the how we can help page. Remember no donation is too small so give what you can we assure you it is greatly appreciated.
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