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The Bat Cave of the park is an actual cave made out of rock were bats roam freely in their large habitats. We will hold many spiecies of bats that are endangered or are found flying in the air at night.  The followling animals listed are bats that we plan to have for the Bat Cave:


                                            Florida Bonneted Bat        

                                                                                              Hawaiian Hoary Bat 

                                                                                                        Indiana Bat 

                                                                                                   Leaf Nosed Bats 

                                                                                                         Pallid Bat

                                                                                                       Spotted Bat                                                                 

                                                                                                       Vampire Bat 

                                                                                                 Malayan Flying Fox

                                                                                          Mexican Free Tailed Bat 

                                                                                                 Mariania Fruit Bat 

                                                                               Short Tailed Bats

                                                                                                    Eastern Red Bat

                                                                                                   Silver Haired Bat

                                                                                                     Big Brown Bat

                                                                                                            Gray Bat 

                                                                                              Ozark Big Eared Bat

                                                                                               Virginia Big Eared Bat 

                                                                                                      Cave Moyotis

                                                                                            Lesser Long Nosed Bat 

                                                                                              Mexican Long Nosed Bat

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